it pays off

soo after receivinq thee aim from laja askinq me to draw a pic of her (i will] i rememered when she told me i didnt draw that pic of cassie then went on to say how she didnt know i could draw. that brouqht me to think hmm alot of people dont know that i can i mean except thee kids in my art class and my sisters etc. but yeah i can. soo i went lookinq in my art portfolio from school and found 3 of my fave pictures that also won places in thee art contest and decided to show yu quys. umm so yeah.

-this was a surrealism picture where yu draw somethinq weird//fantasy. i as qoinq fora mermaidsort of thinnq//medusa with thee eels ominq out one side of thee hair. the thee other side(the riqht[ was suppose to be like a flamnq fire sort of hair style. this picture was actually my first time drawinq a rose. i tried to throw in some subliminal messaqes lol ie. thee word beautiful pain which is combined with thee lock i have hiddened in her hair. this drawinq won 2nd prize in thee art contest for this one.

-umm ths was a picture i did for popart. we really were suppose to do a repition thinq like how andy warhol dd thee tomatoe soup thinqs but me of course did somethinq different. my teacher told me i still had to add some elemen of repition which is wyy i drew all thee pece siqns. i loove this one. won 1st prize in art contest.

-i forqot what this picture wassuppose to be for lke cateqory wise but i know we were juss drawinq like full body thinqs. umm this won me 3rd prize in thee art contest. althouqh i do love thee pic i wish i didnt smuqe thee cheekbones so much.