so seeinq as to on sunday (day of my actual birthday] we were unable to find a filipino bakery that had thee cake i wanted which really is just a strawberry shortcake we decided to wait till monday to qo lookinq for a bakery in a differ city. in of thee day we couldnt find a filipino bakery or bakery in that matter that carried thee cake that i will now be qettinq EVERY year startinq w.w umm 2 years aqo lol. but yeah mom decided to just make it and in all it was DELICIOUS ! mmmmm. so we san happy birthday in which i called sister milo who is in LA and forced her to sinq with us on speaker blah blah blah im happy and dont mind thee outfitt i was wearinq or wild hair lol i was finna qo to sleep after thee cake blah i love my mom for this and yeah im happy :)
-yummmmm !
- i was tryna make my belly appear fatt lol